How to add new users?

Estimated reading time: 1 Minutes

You can add more users in the business plan. Each user can install the client on his computer and synchronize files. The following options are only available to administrators in the business plan.

Create a new user

Navigate to the backend:

Click on the „Add“ button in the users overview:

The following window appears:

Enter the information for the new user. The e-mail address can also be fictitious, because it’s only used as a login address.

No e-mails with login information will be sent to your users, so you will have to send them manually.


Assign the administrator right to a user

You can grant users the administrator right, so that they can also manage users and view the audit log. To do this, the user must be created as described above. Then switch to the „Administration“ tab:

Click on the button „Add Admin“:

The following window appears in which you now have to enter the mail addresses of the future administrators:


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