You can restore accidentally deleted files and folders up to 60 days after deletion. Even parts of a file can be completely tracked, viewed and restored if necessary.
Restore a deleted file
1. Log in to the web interface.
2. Navigate to the library from which you want to restore the files.
3. You can view the deleted files by clicking on the trash icon:
Click Restore to restore the deleted file to its original location.
Restore an older version of a file in the browser
You have up to 60 days to recover an older version of a file. To do this, proceed as follows:
1. Log in to the web interface.
2. Navigate to the library and file path from which you want to restore the files.
3. Click on the arrow next to the file name and then on the „Versions“ option:
Restore an older version of a file in the client
Navigate to the affected file. Right-click on the file to see the option „View File History“:
The browser will open and list the available versions.